prisoner1572: oh prisoner1572: guess what stanmann18: what prisoner1572: remember that crazy chik that was watching me sleep? stanmann18: ya prisoner1572: she's back! stanmann18: o stanmann18: where she? prisoner1572: i went 9 out of ten weeks without seeing her prisoner1572: and she's here! prisoner1572: gah! stanmann18: in ur room? prisoner1572: no prisoner1572: i saw her in cafe stanmann18: she see u? prisoner1572: ya stanmann18: she watch u eat... prisoner1572: YA! prisoner1572: she did stanmann18: sucks prisoner1572: she stared at me the whole time! prisoner1572: im gonna stay in my room and never come out until she leaves stanmann18: ya stanmann18: she's probably out in the hall prisoner1572: ya prisoner1572: she's outside my window prisoner1572: watching me through the cracks in the blinds prisoner1572: she sleeps outside my window i think prisoner1572: there's a small nest stanmann18: ha prisoner1572: in fact prisoner1572: when i wake up in middle of the night prisoner1572: i see a head prisoner1572: and an arm caressing the window stanmann18: yes a head prisoner1572: outside the window stanmann18: bah prisoner1572: i think she chants my name outside too stanmann18: ya stanmann18: u heard it in the wind prisoner1572: ya prisoner1572: ........wwwwwiiiiiiilllllll......... |