CANTtouchTH1S 89: hey prisoner1572: hiya CANTtouchTH1S 89: asl prisoner1572: 15/f/IL CANTtouchTH1S 89: kool prisoner1572: u? CANTtouchTH1S 89: 15/m/wi prisoner1572: cool CANTtouchTH1S 89: wanna cyber? prisoner1572: ya! CANTtouchTH1S 89: ight CANTtouchTH1S 89: u start prisoner1572: well, no, ima a girl, you gotta start CANTtouchTH1S 89: ok CANTtouchTH1S 89: we in a hotel room, i start to shower, while we takin each others clothes off prisoner1572: your shirt is off? CANTtouchTH1S 89: yeah prisoner1572: ok, we sit down on the bed prisoner1572: me behind you prisoner1572: i rub your shoulders prisoner1572: give you a massage prisoner1572: i put my arms around you prisoner1572: and feel your chest prisoner1572: while i kiss your back prisoner1572: and shoulders prisoner1572: and i reach over to the nightstand CANTtouchTH1S 89: i lay u on the bed and stick my dick in ur pussy prisoner1572: no, no, no prisoner1572: we still have most of our clothes on CANTtouchTH1S 89: ohh, sorry prisoner1572: you didnt undress me CANTtouchTH1S 89: lol prisoner1572: but i am still behind you prisoner1572: i take my shirt off prisoner1572: and press myself to you prisoner1572: and take the knife from the nightstand prisoner1572: and stab it in your stomach CANTtouchTH1S 89: ok, no prisoner1572: i push you to the floor prisoner1572: while you are holding the knife prisoner1572: and i kick you in the face
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