stanmann18: i have test today in pharmocology stanmann18: bah hum bug prisoner1572: ya? prisoner1572: bah stanmann18: i have to know 500 medicines prisoner1572: no prisoner1572: you joke prisoner1572: that crazy stanmann18: their interactions and all that stuff that goes with them prisoner1572: ya prisoner1572: you take test on drugs prisoner1572: by taking them prisoner1572: and then you write test prisoner1572: Q: what effect of this drug? prisoner1572: so you take prisoner1572: and then write about it stanmann18: ya go crazy like frued guy prisoner1572: ya stanmann18: i forgot how u spell his name prisoner1572: freud stanmann18: oh ya ya prisoner1572: you sit at test prisoner1572: take drugs prisoner1572: then start asking people psychological questions stanmann18: and go rah rah rah and stab paper with scribbles prisoner1572: ya prisoner1572: thats the notes you take prisoner1572: and when your done prisoner1572: look at notes prisoner1572: and say the person is crazy prisoner1572: then call guys in white jackets over to take them away prisoner1572: and they give the person sedatives stanmann18: i go and eat breakfast stanmann18: morphine prisoner1572: ya prisoner1572: and cuz your crazy, you take morphine too stanmann18: ya prisoner1572: and go analyze more people |