stanmann18: my sis get fuckin ipod mini prisoner1572: boo prisoner1572: mini boo stanmann18: i should get it...she will never use it prisoner1572: take it and beat her over the head with it prisoner1572: then she wont know she doesn't have it stanmann18: strangle her with cords prisoner1572: then put earphones on her ears and make her listen to music stanmann18: ya stanmann18: but who needs ipod...u can make ur own music stanmann18: especially in class prisoner1572: ya? how? stanmann18: u can drum on peoples heads prisoner1572: i dunno how? stanmann18: and sing when teacher teaches prisoner1572: sing about the lesson prisoner1572: and drum on heads prisoner1572: like, tap tap tap , i know about sap prisoner1572: sap is in trees prisoner1572: this is bio class prisoner1572: and not econ ... prisoner1572: and while you sing prisoner1572: you dance around prisoner1572: do interpretive dance of what the teacher say stanmann18: ur voice so bad kids in class cover their ears like jeff ammons stanmann18: and go crazy prisoner1572: and they all start to grunt stanmann18: they riot and break things prisoner1572: they all stand up with hands over ears prisoner1572: jumping around prisoner1572: crashing into things and each other prisoner1572: grunting stanmann18: boom! ... prisoner1572: so the class is like a rock concert right prisoner1572: the room is like a mosh pit prisoner1572: but there no music! prisoner1572: just all the jeff's bouncing around stanmann18: just grunts, booms, and other...... prisoner1572: and you at the front of the room doing song aboout the lesson stanmann18: non vocal noises stanmann18: wait stanmann18: vocal! ... prisoner1572: vocal? ... prisoner1572: and you know how jeff runs down the halls? prisoner1572: barrells down into everybody stanmann18: ya, what about prisoner1572: all the students in the class try to do that to get out of the room prisoner1572: and they all stuck at the door stanmann18: stampede stanmann18: and windows prisoner1572: what windows? |