prisoner1572: i got a prospy here. did itell u? stanmann18: huh? stanmann18: what prospy prisoner1572: a prospective student who might come here next year stanmann18: and what is that about stanmann18: inform me more prisoner1572: so he sees what student life at knox is like and can decide if he wants to come here stanmann18: oh stanmann18: u should act all crazy and grunt and stuff stanmann18: run in closet and cry stanmann18: bang urself against walls and doors stanmann18: and if he asks how the homework is...and he picks up a book and shows u...u should bat it out of his hands and run away stanmann18: or start yelling at the book stanmann18: BAHHHHHHH! stanmann18: or when u meet that kid..... stanmann18: u should get down on ur knees and beg for mercy for him to get u out of that school stanmann18: to help u escape when he's done with his tour stanmann18: and lay down and wrap ur arms around his leg so he has to drag u whereever he goes prisoner1572: he is taking walking tour of campus, the whole thing and i always on his leg stanmann18: in the bathroom....shower......he has to sleep with his leg off the the classes ....and outside stanmann18: u hold on so tight...his leg turns purple stanmann18: then his flesh dies below ur grasp stanmann18: then u tie bag on leg so the dead parts can decompose and liquefy in the bag prisoner1572: gah? stanmann18: ha stanmann18: hahaha prisoner1572: for what? stanmann18: for what what? prisoner1572: why do i want the liquified leg to collect in the bag? stanmann18: cuz i need stanmann18: u need* prisoner1572: what for?! stanmann18: its ur mental juice stanmann18: to stay somewhat sane in knox prisoner1572: ok... prisoner1572: :-\ stanmann18: normal people juice (outside of knox college) keeps u alive prisoner1572: k prisoner1572: and so i collect juicy leg in bag stanmann18: yea prisoner1572: then what? stanmann18: u give his parents the bag cuz it gift stanmann18: when they pick up their son stanmann18: and they ask what is this pickle in the bag stanmann18: u say it sons leg stanmann18: so they go to hospital stanmann18: and put pickle back on the leg stanmann18: and thats the story of pickle boy floyd prisoner1572: hahaha!!! stanmann18: y u laugh prisoner1572: cuz it no funny prisoner1572: it so funny that its not stanmann18: ya stanmann18: it suck stanmann18: but who cares stanmann18: i like my pickle leg stanmann18: girls think it sexy |