prisoner1572: i go crazy, ha haha ha haha hahaha
stanmann18: y prisoner1572: studying stanmann18: ah ya prisoner1572: its like trying to shoot dry spitballs at the wall stanmann18: ha ya stanmann18: moisten the balls and it will stick stanmann18: so that means...moisten ur brain by osmosis! prisoner1572: i'll moisten my balls prisoner1572: ya prisoner1572: snort water prisoner1572: fastest way to brain is through nose stanmann18: ha prisoner1572: i take book prisoner1572: and rip out pages stanmann18: and smoke it prisoner1572: no prisoner1572: roll up pages and put into nose prisoner1572: after tests prisoner1572: i take pages and put pot in them prisoner1572: and then smoke them stanmann18: feel that info cumulate in ur lungs stanmann18: u should cut out certain pages with info that u need and paste them to peoples backs stanmann18: and when ur done with test...tell teacher they r cheating prisoner1572: ya stanmann18: then walk out with A prisoner1572: ya |